NOOBLERS was created by former World Record holding speedrunners from classic to have a more laidback environment to play with friends
Our goal to consistently clear raids in a timely manner and improve on our execution and parses while having a fun social environment.
We love to pvp doing BGs or WPVP outside of raid times and a lot of us have alts for a second raid.
We are looking for players that are committed to raiding consistently at a high level.
DM @insayn on discord if you're interested in applying or moubu/insayno/insayn in game
Es wurde kein Zeitplan festgelegt.
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Nooblers sucht neue Mitglieder!
Schlachtzüge, Instanzen, PvP
Für welche Aktivitäten sucht Nooblers Mitglieder?
Welche Sprache wird in Nooblers primär gesprochen?